Welcome to The Vanner Magazine
The Gypsy Vanner Horse Society is pleased to offer its members and breed enthusiasts an official publication for the Gypsy Vanner Horse and the Society. The publication is an annual edition and is ready for distribution by mid-summer.
The theme for the 2024, The Vanner, edition is The Gypsy Vanner: Breeding and Foaling. In this edition we will feature stories of breeding and foaling, the good, the great, and the challenging.
This annual magazine is designed to provide educational information about the Gypsy Vanner Breed, and the GVHS Registry, as well as celebrate members’ accomplishments in the show ring, and participation in other equine activities such as parades, expos, therapy horses, endurance, trail riding, and more!
Copies of The Vanner are mailed to all GVHS Members, magazine contributors and advertisers. In addition, copies can be ordered via the GVHS Store.
To place an ad, or submit an article to The Vanner, please see our online media kit for advertising specs and submission guidelines or download the media kit here.

Media Kit & Article Submission Guidelines
Article and Advertisement Submissions
The GVHS takes pride that our annual magazine is a collaborative effort of our members and breed enthusiasts. The 2024 theme for The Vanner is: The Gypsy Vanner: Breeding and Foaling. We encourage our members to submit written articles that align for this year's theme. Some potential topics could be: How to Recognize and Deal With Dystocia, Red Bag Foaling: What to Do When Faced With A Red Bag Foaling, Tips for Breeding the Older Mare, Stallion Management: Best Practices, The Breeding Contract: What Should Be Included, Dummy Foal Syndrome: How to Recognize a Dummy Foal and What To Do. Of course members are not limited to these topics alone, and we encourage a variety of breeding topics for submission. This edition will be chocked full of informative breeding and foaling material for beginner and experienced breeders!
If you have not had a chance to purchase your advertising space in the 2024 edition of The Vanner, you must pay for your advertising before submitting your advertisement, stallion directory, trainer's or breeder's directory listing. Advertiser's who purchase a full page or larger in The Vanner Magazine receive a free stallion directory listing. Please fill out the forms below to submit Articles, Advertisements, Stallion Directory Listings, and Breeder's Directory Listings. It is FREE to submit articles to the magazine. Payment information for advertising can be found here.
Advertise in The Vanner Magazine
Advertise in style with the Official Publication of The Gypsy Vanner Horse Society, The Vanner magazine. There are many advertising options available. Just click on the products below to select the option best suited for you and your Gypsy Vanners. We appreciate your support and participation!